Therapy for Teens

We offer compassionate therapy for teens that is relatable and nonjudgmental. We understand that adolescences is a special time in a young person’s life; we also understand that the teen years come with unique challenges. Our therapists that work with teens offer validation, insight, and support to manage:

  • Academic pressure/Test Anxiety

  • Body Image

  • College Anxiety

  • Dating/Relationship Skills

  • Depression

  • Family Relationships

  • Friendship Skills/Peer Conflict

  • Generalized Anxiety

  • Identity, Gender and Sexuality

  • Self-Worth and Self-Compassion

  • Values Exploration/Who Am I?

We understand that these things may be tough to talk about; our therapists offer a patient approach and we will go at your own pace. We want to build a strong relationship so that you feel comfortable to discuss your inner world. We know that it is a privilege to understand the inner workings of your life, and we don’t take this lightly. We consider the therapy space particularly sacred for teens, and having privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We’ll interact with your parent or guardian on a supportive basis but the therapy hour is truly yours. Our therapy for teens is focused on you feeling fully safe to open up and explore your inner world and identity formation.