Therapy for Anxiety

Feeling unexplained irritability? Inability to control your worry? Restlessness? Trouble sleeping or GI issues? If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, you may be dealing with anxiety. Anxiety is one of the fastest growing mental health disorders. You may have recently noticed it’s feeling increasingly difficult to find and maintain a sense of ease and inner peace. If you’re seeking anxiety therapy in Wisconsin, you’ve come to the right place!

Our therapists are all well-versed in anxiety treatment. We will help you learn to understand the function of anxiety, relate to it differently, and find supportive skills and reframes that will help you decrease anxiety’s impact on your daily life. Here are a few ways we tackle symptoms of anxiety:

Mindfulness-Based Therapies: Our therapists incorporate mindfulness practices to allow you to learn to notice the signs and signals of anxiety. We will help you learn to focus on what your anxiety is trying to tell you without ruminating on the worst-case scenarios. Our clinicians also offer breath work exercises to manage the physical sensations of anxiety, including panic attacks through the work of somatic experiencing and other somatic/body based mindfulness practices to regulate your nervous system.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT helps clients learn to relate to their experiences differently. We understand that pain is a part of life, but suffering doesn’t have to be. By leaning into your values, we will help you learn to accept your thoughts and feelings without feeling overwhelmed by them. We will help you focus on what matters most rather than trying to suppress the experience of anxiety and overwhelm in the body. We will help you commit to actions that will help you live a thriving, meaningful life.

Identifying Underlying Causes: Our therapists will help you uncover and identify patterns that may have emerged from early childhood or family dynamics. We can help you learn about other factors that may be underlying causes for your anxiety symptoms. We are passionate about meeting our clients where they are and move at a pace that is comfortable for you. We want to integrate the underlying cause into the way your anxiety is presenting today so that we can create lasting treatment.