Therapy for Couples

Our couples therapists play an essential role in supporting couples to explore their relationship dynamics and foster an environment for each partner to feel seen and heard in the space. When supporting couples, we use evidence-based approaches including emotionally-focused therapy (EFT) and the Gottman method.

Whether you’ve been partnered for many years or are seeking counseling before you enter into marriage our couples therapists are here to support you and your partner to meet a variety of therapeutic needs. We recognize that relationships have different phases and seasons and we can support you in the following ways:

Understand the current needs of both partners: We know that conflict is a normal part of long-term romantic relationships, and is to be expected in even the happiest of couples, couples therapy helps couples identify and articulate their needs and better understand the underlying causes of the issues in the relationship. Conflict often grows from each partner's unmet childhood attachment needs and these contribute to the current relationship dynamic. Couples therapy can support you and your partner in identifying each of your needs, and how to attune to one another in a healthier way.

Help each partner feel seen and heard: Our therapists teach couples how to attune or lean in to their partner’s “bid for connection” or need. We strive to ensure that both partners feel heard and understood in their emotional experience. Through exercises to help each partner feel seen and heard in the session, both couples can learn how to practice these things in their relationship. Both partners will learn self-regulation skills and how to manage conflict more effectively because they have felt cared for through the process.

Bring healing to past disputes: Through the principles and skills from The Gottman Method and other relationship therapies, our therapists teach couples to replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions and heal and let go of old wounds. By creating healthy attachments within the relationship, our therapists can help you increase emotional and physical intimacy.

If you’re ready to set up couples therapy in Wisconsin, we’d love to hear from you!