Organize your Space, Engage your Mind

My husband recently took it upon himself to redo our pantry. Now for me, our somewhat-organized pantry did the job just fine; we keep the door closed anyways. It wasn’t until I started to see the the idea come to life, and a specific space to put the InstaPot that the value truly started to set in. Not only did I go through our baskets that were half-heartedly organizing the pasta, but then I cleaned and organized the office. I was able to sort through forms and paperwork that had been lingering in the background for awhile. Although it felt a little daunting at first, I realized that it wasn’t much once I started to make decisions about what needed attention and what needed to find the shredder or the recycling bin. After that, I felt motivated to get the linen closet reorganized. I was able to donate curtains, towels and blankets that no longer fit. I started to feel lighter and noticed that the more I organized, the more I wanted to organize.

This is called behavioral activation. When we do one positive thing, it can often lead to another positive thing. It can become a domino effect if you allow it to move you in that direction. I understand that it can feel overwhelming to get started, but when we just take one small step forward we can start to feel the benefits of reclaiming space in your home and in your life.

If you are starting to feel overwhelmed this holiday season, maybe start by organizing something small in your space. Perhaps you tend to your sock drawer that has needed some attention, or under the sink in your bathroom. It’s okay to start small and allow the domino effect of behavioral activation to kick in naturally. You might not always experience this, and that’s okay too! Doing just one thing that feels good for you is awesome! We celebrate the wins around here! You may notice an increased sense of motivation, clarity, focus, and/or attention. The physical space we spend our time in is often a representation of the mental space we are in. While this is not the end-all be-all solution, this is something you can do at any time and it is within your control (unless you have a toddler; then it’s in their control!).

You don’t have to be the most organized person in the world to feel the benefits of engaging in some organization. You may learn to enjoy it once you find systems that work for you. I’m also not suggesting that you have to undertake a huge project like a pantry facelift. I just know that reclaiming our spaces can help us reclaim our lives. This is also a perfect example of allowing small, positive things to engage your nervous system. Continue to take in the good and find spaces in your life to reclaim. We’re rooting for you!


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