Values and Intentions over Resolutions: Reflections to Support your Mental Health in the New Year

We made it! Another year is in the books. We got through the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and now you can take a breath. Whew!

Have you made a new year resolution? Before you do so, we would love for you to consider setting an intention and/or value to focus on in the new year instead.

When you focus on values and intentions rather than goals and resolutions, there is more flexibility and sustainability over time. Resolutions are often concrete and do not always bode towards growth. For example, if you set a resolution to achieve a weight loss goal, there is a pass/fail element to this. If you do not reach the desired number, it can feel like you “failed.” Or if you achieve this goal, it is then difficult to sustain it over time. So often, people will hit the ground running with their resolution but so many times, it eventually fades. However, if you set an intention to increase joyous movement, drink more water, listen to your body, commit to discipline over motivation, you will find more success and increase your sense of self.

As we welcome the new year with an open heart, we’ve outlined some thoughts and questions to help you reflect on the past year, and look to the new year with guidance and optimism.

What were your major wins in 2023?

What were some smaller wins in 2023?

If you could tell 2023 something important, what would you want it to know?

Who were your key players in 2023? What did they teach you? How did they support you or help you grow? Could you let them know how they impacted you?

What were your major challenges in 2023? How did you overcome them?

If you could sum up 2023 in a word or a phrase, what would it be?

What do you want to focus on in 2024?

What are you bringing with you into the new year?

What do you want to leave behind?

What values and/or intentions can you commit to this year? How do you want to practice these? Will there be someone to help hold you accountable?

How do you want to feel in 2024?

Here are some examples of intentions for 2024:

Take time for balance and self-care

Drink more water and move my body in ways that feel good for me

Express myself through words, art, music, and other forms of communication

Learn how to trust myself again

Develop a stronger sense of identity; learn what you like/don’t like

Establish healthy boundaries with friends, family, work, etc.

Find things that bring me peace and a sense of safety

Develop a healthier relationship with mind, body and food

Learn to be mindful and take in the good around me

Focus on progress over perfection

Here are some examples of values for 2024:

Self-compassion Commitment Peace

Flexibility Forgiveness Clarity

Trust Gratitude Responsibility

Honesty Acceptance Stability

Integrity Authenticity Wisdom

Balance Community Connection

Understanding Determination Leadership

Accountability Kindness Respect

Courage Love Fun

Creativity Optimism Growth

We wish you a very happy new year!


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